I’m pretty sure my waxing on about our current existence in the fifth dimension will create a mixed bag of reactions, so I’ll skip right over that and come to a point upon which we can all agree: Life today is not like it was even a few short years ago.

Extreme polarization over just about everything has taken hold. It’s no longer, “Sometimes I feel like a nut, sometimes I don’t.” It’s now, nuts, love them or hate them. Is our collective sense of middle ground and moderation on a path to extinction?

Is it me or does time seem to be moving more quickly than it used to? Weekdays, birthdays, holidays, they’re all happening with less and less time in between. Our relationship with technology makes it possible for us to know and do more things in less time. My daily observations indicate, a lot of people are in a hurry. 

The Earth is changing. Whether it’s part of her natural cycle, man-made, or a combination of the two, Earth’s changes are real. They’re happening and we as Earthlings are going to have to deal with them.

Living a more balanced life in these times of change requires new tools. Here are some of the new tools we can learn and employ:

  1. Focus on the NOW. If you have not already done so, I encourage everyone to read Elkhart Tolle’s book The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment (1997). Consciously living in each moment jump-starts your personal relationship with time. If you can train yourself to continually reach for the best thought you can think in any given moment, you begin to shift your perception of reality. “Yeah, but am I really changing my reality?” you ask. If you get so good at being in the present moment and thinking good thoughts, then yes, you will really begin to change your reality. You will start to experience all the positive aspects of life.       
  • Step out of the wave. Energy travels in waves: heat waves, light waves, sound waves, etc… you get the picture. Highs and lows are natural parts of a wave. Whenever you find yourself on a mental, physical, or emotional roller coaster, you can choose to step out of the wave. Stop, unplug, remove yourself from the situation. You do not have to play every game that comes your way. What can you do to regain your equilibrium?  My number one suggestion is to make some sort of connect to nature; play with your pet, take a hike, go for a swim, sit outside. Nature has a way of absorbing excess energy. 

Make home. Be happy where you are.Look at your immediate surroundings, albeit a studio apartment in the city, a suburban mansion or a house in the country.  Do you love the space in which you live? Is it esthetically pleasing to you? Does it make your life more enjoyable?  If not, analyze what’s not working and take the necessary steps to correct these things. You will thrive if your base of operation nurtures and supports you.